Burnet county Emergency Services District No.8
Northeast Burnet County Fire/Rescue

Address Signs
Thank you for your interest in getting an Address Sign.
Minutes, sometimes seconds, can count in an emergency!
Having your address marked is EXTREMELY important during an emergency. If you don’t have your address marked, it can be VERY difficult for us, EMS, or the Sheriff’s Office to locate you, especially at night. We cannot rely on GPS because it is often inaccurate.
Make sure the sign is visible coming from BOTH directions from the roadway.
If you live down a driveway with multiple residences, make sure to have ALL addresses clearly marked at the entrance.
Make sure EACH address is clearly marked at the appropriate intersection along the driveway.
Having an address just on your mailbox is nice, but don’t forget about faded numbers, mailbox bashers, or a vehicle knocking over your mailbox. The best thing is to have a sign (or signs if need be) permanently attached at your entrance that is visible from both directions of travel on the roadway. Do not put the numbers on a gate that you may leave open, or 20 feet down the driveway where it can’t be seen coming down the roadway. You can order address signs (see photo below) from the Fire Marshal at NEBCpermits.com, click on request an address sign. Create an account (this is free), under address name put your name, fill out the address information. Under note, put quantity of signs requested and if you want them to be vertical or horizontal. Or come by one of our stations and apply in person. the cost is $10.00 per sign. Pay on line or by check, cash is not accepted. The signs typically take one to two business days to complete, excluding weekends. We will email you when they are ready, and you can pick them up at Fire station 1 in Oakalla. This service is offered to residents of Burnet ESD 8 primary response district only. Address signage is required by the Fire code for all properties.